Ultramarine Magmell Wikia

Shuin is the master of Inyo.


Shuin has whiteish grey hair, and was revealed in the episode 1 of "Ultramarine Magmell" to have gray eyes similar to his hair. He is always seen in the anime to wear a bronze/brown hat, similar to Inyo's, and a cape-like coat that is the same color as his hat. Under his coat is a layer of black in both his shirt and his pants.


Shuin is shown to be quite calm, like his student in later years. He is shown to be quite caring for Inyo . Also, Shuin is quite commanding. However his lessons to Inyo can be quite harsh, like how he didn't inform Inyo of what Toto truly was thus causing Inyo to get upset and willingly kill the beast rather than have Shuin do it.



Shuin's specific relationship with Inyo is unknown. However it appears that Inyo is Shuin's apprentice/student. Shuin is seen as a guardian to Inyo. The two lived together in Magmell a number of years ago. Shuin is most likely the one who taught Inyo how to use lacht. Before he disappeared he instructed Inyo to protect Zero should they cross paths. It is unknown as to how Shuin knows Zero.
